Update - I'm back in business! Still have lots of programs to update. My email has problems. My scanner and printer aren't talking to the computer. My son will be here tomorrow to try to fix.
What have I knit? I finished the socks. They're called Mad Hatter, and are a pattern I sold to a sock club. When the pattern came out, I was given the whole month's package. It took me a while to knit them up.

Another kit that went on vacation with me was a baby sweater. I was given the kit as a door prize when I taught for the Roof Garden{?}Knitting guild in New York near the 9/11 plane crash site. The pattern is a Kristin Nicholas design done in cotton yarn. I don't have a bay in mind, but I'm glad to have the kit done, and babies get born all the time. I'll be ready the next time someone holds a shower with little notice.
The last project that went to Florida and came home unknit is a scarf from Knitty.com called Caireen.. I happened to have the correct Alpaca yarn, won as a door prize again, this time from Knitter's Fantasy held in Youngstown Ohio.The yarn is local, but I don't remember who it came from. It's handspun and sure is soft!
I have more knitting to show you, but I'll save it for another day.
I am so glad to have my computer back. I took it back to the store where I bought it. They were able to save all my data, but not the programs. Luckily what I use most is Microsoft Office. I got the computer back with a limited usage version of it (19 times). I have the disks for the 2007 version and on the second try was able to successfully enter the product key. Why do they write them so small? The "B" looked like an "8". I've downloaded iTunes and Blogger.
How did I survive a week without my baby? I get mail on my iPhone and iPad. I could read blogs and Ravelry. I was lucky it only took a week. Actually, I "stalked" the store. I called when I thought the work would be done, only to find out that it hadn't been started. The phone call bumped me up in line. A second call three days later was more encouraging. I'm having to relearn how to type. Autospell on the phone has spoiled me. You don't have to put in apostrophes, or even spell correctly. It will autocorrect. If you're not careful, it may say something you didn't mean, but generally it's a help, especially on the smaller phone screen.