Friday, January 11, 2008

Sock progress

John's first sock is finished. 225 yards of Special Blauband should have been enough, but not for this sock. I'm about an inch into the other sock.

I've finished clue #2 of the first January mystery sock. I had trouble with the lace, but I guess I couldn't count. The lace on the leg continues down to the toe. (no pictures today).

I had sent in class descriptions to TKGA for their 2008 conferences. The deadline for pictures was 1/11/08. That's right, today. I had tried earlier to send the pictures in my files, but the TIFF files were too big. I spent time this week shrinking the files I had, and taking pictures for the classes that needed them. I finished just in time to go to work this morning. Whew!

Knit a mile progress: 299.9 yards and 5 weeks to go.(1760 yards in a mile) It helped that I made a couple of dishcloths for an employee Christmas/New Year gift. I forgot to take the gift to work today, and it was wrapped and everything.

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